Friday, June 12, 2009

It's all about Respeck, innit, Blacksmith?

I do it myself but I'm running out of lungs. No! No cigarettes.

As for patience and calmness it is being sorely tested. While I have never been moderated, let alone warned or deleted, once on here the tone of the site people is beginning to grate. I don't know who this dwarf megalomaniac prick Beowulf is, apart from the insight offerered by his craven indiscretions so successfully bugged and posted by Nbrado, but he appears to be setting the tone, the f ucking little nonentity, as illustrated by his latest Royal Message today.

(redacted... so boooooooring)

I was invited to come on here by janz, agreed to do so to help boost their readership, and yes, I think I'm bigger than the site. Of course. So are you. Sites these days are ten a penny: as always it's the people on them that matter, not the pretensions of their owners and administrators, nor their endless violin playing about the sacrifices they are making usw. Rant over. Hope you're well

(redacted... even more boooooooring)

After such work and with a glass or two of barbera inside me I'm likely to copy this PM to BJR. In which case communciation between me and others could get difficult. So my email address is

Nice to hear from you. Take care.


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