Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The time has come.

It is happening.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


anything we can do to help...


quote=mbkt: yeah i might have been a bit near the bone bonny BUT get off your high horse eh
because i leave the title of sickos of 2 years gerry and kate mccann (redacted... so libelous, so stalkerish, so of interest to the right laywers)

and a title i believe that no normal human being will try to grasp from their greedy hands in my life time.

Hi Laurie

Ignore her - don't waste any energy on that piece of sh1te (excuse my language). You have far better things to do. And you are a far, far better human being than she could ever dream of being.

Take care, Big_L!

Val xx

Hi big_l

As always, it's my pleasure. Keep 'em coming - you're an essential, and formidable, part of the Team. I think some people had their sense of humour surgically removed at birth

Hope you and yours are as well as me and mine.

Take care!

Val xx (aka Photon)

Hey, Big_L

Of course, I read it - and it was of your usual high standard. I love them !

Keep 'em coming!!!

Best wishes

Val xx

Sentinel and Grimley Feendish:

Posters who would not trouble MENSA scorers.

quote=Grimly Feendish

Mumof5 (by different fathers)

how many times have i stopped myself......


Lexie O

lovely woman. Cautious, evidence based, sensible. Lovely woman.

People get sacked for chatting about what goes on at the office

Funny thing, how the boss so often takes the view what happens at the office stays at the office.

Funny thing, too, the news cycle and the summer doldrums, and how the red tops will run with any angle on a story, just to fill the void. But those in journalism don't need me to remind them of that.

Scotbot and The Academic:

Well KGMC made a big deal about going up to rothley, i forget what the occasion was, i think it was just before last christmas.

she was "they want me to go" & "i think I am going" & "yes I am going" & "I am going now".

the next day m****** was the only person in rothley, she was on at about 7am and looked freezing bless her. I know she is only a fairly junior journo but it only takes one to think "oh hang on a mo".

I also know she works with I** S**** and they used to speak at work. i liked ian spleen but it would take quite a youthful journo to make smalltalk with that nutter i reckon.

Did you ever find out who KGMC2007 was?

I always thought it was M******* S*******.

Well not always but after having an educated guess


Saturday, August 15, 2009

If I were a betting dog...

I'd bet there's a good chance you know who turns her tail between her legs retreat into a half Nelson somersault flounce and returns soon with a 'at last the troof can be told about what they done to me and my god how they forced me out of this forum that I love and my god is the true voice for Madeleine Beth McCann."

Treasure, a word of advice: you might just get away with all you done if you just sit quietly in the lounge and have another fag. Besides which, if you go back to the computer you might miss your chance to nail whoever's stalking the bin in your front garden my god.

The tabloid feeding frenzy begins

From the Sunday Express

By James Murray

Comment Speech Bubble Have your say(0)

A woman leading a leaflet campaign about Madeleine McCann has left the girl’s parents distraught.

The couple spent yesterday with lawyers and may call in police after Debbie Butler visited the road where they live in Rothley, Leicestershire, to deliver highly inflammatory leaflets to neighbours suggesting that Madeleine was not abducted.

“Angry and upset” Kate and Gerry McCann are consulting their lawyers about how to react to last week’s extraordinary late-night leaflet drop which involved 10 people.

As well as discussing an action for libel, the McCanns want to know if there are grounds to pursue a harassment action and are considering calling in police.

Although single mother-of-two Ms Butler, 45, decided not to post the leaflet through the couple’s letterbox, a copy was sent to Kate’s aunt and uncle, Brian and Janet Kennedy, who live just a mile away in the same village.

A source close to the couple said yesterday: “Kate and Gerry are very upset and angry over these despicable lies. They feel they are being persecuted. This time the group has gone too far.

“They are now considering legal action over the leaflets. It is a clear case of harassment, indirectly if not directly. It must now become a police matter.

“Brian Kennedy thought it was outrageous and immediately contacted Kate. He had lots of calls from confused villagers who had received leaflets, asking what was going on. It caused pain, upset and confusion.”

However, Ms Butler, who admits involvement in the leaflet drop, said last night: “We just want the case reopened. We are not out to persecute the McCanns.

“We haven’t harassed them at all, we have leafleted. We are not harassing the McCanns in any way whatsoever. We are not stalking them. We are getting facts out in the public domain.


“If anything, we are helping them by putting the facts out there and attempting to get the case back off the shelf. We are assisting the McCanns.”

Ms Butler, of Maidstone, Kent, has a daughter of 23 and an adopted son, aged eight.

She is chairman of the so-called Madeleine Foundation, formed in July last year and works closely with the foundation’s secretary, solicitor Tony Bennett, 61, who lives in Harlow, Essex.

He and the group tried to bring a private prosection against the McCanns for neglect but it was thrown out of court.

In Rothley many of the McCanns’ neighbours said they were disgusted by the insensitive actions of the group.

Sandra Thompson, 51, who lives nearby, said: “It is pretty disgraceful that a group writes that stuff and then sends it to the neighbours of Gerry and Kate.

“It is obviously going to drum up hate for the family and I imagine that they are still going through hell.”

In a statement Kate and Gerry, who are both 41, said: “We feel it is important that the general public are made aware that the Madeleine Foundation has no connection whatsoever with our family or those helping us to find Madeleine, or any law enforcement agencies or child welfare organisations.

“We also strongly believe that the actions of this so-called organisation do not have Madeleine’s best interests at heart.

“If anything, it is hindering all of our efforts to find Madeline and to achieve justice.”

Madeleine was nearly four when she went missing from her family’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in Portugal on May 3, 2007, while her parents dined with friends nearby.

Last night their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: “Libel lawyers acting for Kate and Gerry are very well aware of the Madeleine Foundation and all its activities and continue to monitor everything they do and say.”

Yesterday copies of the leaflet that had been pinned to trees and notice boards in Rothley had all been torn down.

Oh, yeah, erm, maybe I wrote something to that effect...

We recall the words of dear Stevo:

"Tony is a do-er, not just a talker. I'm so chuffed for him and Debbie. It's taken a year to prove that his intentions have always been honourable and now we're reaping the hard work he's been sowing in the background.

And, I might add - it's only just beginning. Yesterday won't be the last time Tony Bennett is LITERALLY breathing down Gerald McCann's neck!"

Right you are, my good man. So chuffed for you ALL.

We're not in this together but we certainly seem to be in it at the same time...

Are "Respected Members" being stitched up?

The oracle has allegedly written: "It (the Rothley love note) was effectively written by 3As members, and we compiled it."

effectively written by 3As members, and we compiled it

effectively written by 3As members, and we compiled it

Anyone of a mind to ask if the matter comes to court where your fearless leader intends to point the finger?

Oh, dear, I suppose I might have said something like that...

precious memories, preserved forever:

Tony B to Tony_Q
Subject: E-mail from Graham Northgate of Clegg Gifford - and reply

Tony Bennett: I have this morning received this further reply from Mr Northgate (verbatim):


It is my right to disagree and I couldn't disagree more.

What right have you to say any of these things?

And when they find out what really happened to her...they are progressing very nicely...I expect a full apology towards the family from your good self.

Kind regards


Any chance of you letting me field this one Tony?
I'm just in the mood for a **** like this.

Why don't you give him a ring, I published his Tel. No. in the OP

Is that your 'hearty disapproval', Tony?


"XXXXX just moaned to me could XXX lose XXX benefits if XXX gets carded in all this. Bloody hell! What about the rest of us, proper English, with actual assets against which a decision could be attached?! The cheek of the creature! I always thought her perhaps a bit thick. I still have no idea how to respond. You don't actually think we could get drawn into any legal action, do you?"


"I believe there is nothing to fear. Living in America, of course, I cannot be touched in any event."


".... but regular members can't get into real trouble, can they? They couldn't take away my benefits could they?"


"I'm scared $hitless over the Mail! I don't know whether to delete everything I have or save it in hope it's a way to give them bigger fish? What would you do? I never meant no harm. I went with the group. My OH will murder me if I get drawn into this!"

Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey... indeed

It's all going to come out now, isn't it?

And not just the follicularly challenged puppet master, the lot of you, from Oompa Loompa to Thug and Lady MacBeth to the Scouser authoress.

Shame so many databases floating about. Shame "security" is a word that requires quotation marks.

Swallow hard, dears, it just got more interesting than it has been in a long, long while.

Friday, August 14, 2009

For the collectors.....


"I tell you in confidence, having come to genuinely trust you, that nothing since March has occurred accidentally here, nor for some time prior. There have been one or two mishaps which were unanticipated, however we managed through well enough in my view. Better to be Mayor of the Palace than Chairman of anything, particularly when a reporter comes calling. "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?" and such. As to the other one, yes, I believe she is gone for good. It's taken long enough. Although no doubt we can be assured of occasional amateur dramatics. "