Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Special 200th Post: A summary of the story so far

For Beo, money determines priorities: "Don't expect me to do the same as I do for paying clients that have critical servers managed by me. I know also we should care for members security but its (sic) not a responsability (sic) we should take eavily (sic)." Beo
The Portuguese investigators cleared Robert Murat, but Bren and Bennett have expressed their doubts
If inside info was worth money, Photon’s made Laffin a millionaire.
Laffin can’t spell genious (sic)
Photon thinks the sexual abuse threads are ‘dangerous.’ But just to the site.
Laffin likes Tony Bennett, but would be happy to know whatever Viv had on him.
Laffin has made specific threats involving Molotov cocktails.
Laffin has made general threats including "I know where some of them live, they'll regret crossing me."
Bren thinks it’s all OK because, after all, people get upset when they’re unfairly accused of shagging goats. Apparently being unfairly accused of killing your child is something one just sucks up.
Bren’s opinion of Bennett, at some point, was ‘not very high’. Thankfully she is/was bound and determined the forum would not ‘be used as a platform for his campaign.’
Stevo, on an unrelated matter, thinks Bren ‘lost it’
Maybe she did. Bren won’t pass on admin info to just anybody, but she’s certainly passed it on to Stevo.
But sometimes she tells him to stop outing members.
Janz says Bren thinks some respected members are ‘mentally challenged.’ Luckily, Janz says Bren doesn’t think that’s a banning offense.
Miffed thinks Bren needs support "despite her clumsiness and sometimes hasty or stupid decisions."
Stevo told Humanist who told Kezwalk ‘Bren owns porn sites’
Bren says she’s never voting BNP. NEVER.
Scylla gave Bren advice on how to rule the forum with an iron hand. I’m glad I’m not her husband.
Bugalugs doesn’t multitask: "All i can say is one day....when my nippers are all grown up......i would do time with great pride for a shot at Kate McCann. You have yourself a merry Christmas too Big L."
Bugalugs, at some point, thought the 3As was "dirty". She'd know from dirty, yeah?
Bugalugs called a most respected member "little lafin arsin"
ShuBob thought the mods were "stifling" debate
Cushty thinks Amaral was ‘mad’ to associate with the 3Arguidos
Estelle cuts and pastes articles even if she "doesn’t believe them."
But she gets away with it, others say, because "she's chummy with some mods and bjr"
Beachy "no longer feel(s) the same way I used to feel about 3A." Ga, how long would she blather if she did?
Rival old bagpipe Chimaera bolted on the "embarrassingly unpopular" Oxford event. To be fair, one actually has to get up off one’s arse to attend before one could then bolt.
Chimaera did however get off her arse to do a ghoul run through Rothley. Probably it was on the way.
Doris gets pissed off when respected members are all talk and no action. But really, dear, there’s only so many sheets on a loo roll. Not everybody could have some stuck to their shoe even if they wanted to.
Doris’ pet name for Viv is Andrex.
Doris so hoped someone could add some threats in a bubble coming out of Gerry McCann’s mouth. Potty mouth.
Doris is no Scarlett O'Hara.
Builda will not cyberstalk any woman over 49.
Sez Bren: "Now if I was going to out someone, I would find all the info on the person who I thought they were linked to and go from there."
Also sez Bren: "What is discussed in Mod box about IP tracing etc should stay there."
Abuela gives info on people’s private lives to Tripz, as long as he won’t tell anybody
Stevo and princess_leia cyberinvestigated Vivida
DrachenSachen port scanned. Kinda sorta against the TOS of, oh, every internet service provider on the planet. Except in Russia. Possibly.
Snivelling Mole likes to cyber snoop on Facebook.
Arguida’s rule of thumb is "trust no one" on the site.
Anna Smith's view is "VITRIOLIC WEBSITE FORUM IS HOME FOR SPINELESS COWARDS." Now where did she get that idea?
At the worst of times, one respected member was "scared I might take someone's baby".
People like Tony_Q make Ferretmama ashamed to be British.
Tony_Q pms people things like: what the fuc.k are you going on about now shit.forbrains?? He also doesn’t like the ‘Jew press.’ He remains unbanned.
Even though Captain Moron doesn’t like him.
Captain Moron also doesn’t like to mod alone at night. She doesn’t "know what to do with the weirdos." Mind you, that's all she has left these days, so possibly she's revisited that position. Revisiting is like when someone resigns forever and returns within 48 hours.
On an unrelated matter, Roisin wonders "who the hell" Captain Moron thinks she is.
Mumof5 wonders what 3As members are like real life. Not in a good way.
Hardly anybody has anything good to say about Blossom.
Most days, most members seem to wonder who everybody else is. Thankfully, they all have an opinion:
Chimaera: SallyGardens is Kay Scarpetta
Chimaera: Granofeleven is Kay Scarpetta
Chimaera: fft is Kay Scarpetta
Blondie2: Earthspirit is Norah and Harmony and FFT and Kay Scarpetta
Logicman: FarFrom is Gerry McCann
Bren: FarFrom is ‘a close family relation from Gerrys (sic) side’
Potsy: Earthspirit is FFT
Blondie2: Earthspirit is a member of Team McCann
Earthspirit: "many of the vile people on this site are team mccann"
Blondie2: Tylersmum is a member of Team McCann
Blonide2: Tylersmum is a team of people
Chrissie: Sentinel is a member of Team McCann
Chrissie: Tripz is a member of Team McCann
Christie: Laffin is a member of Team McCann
Beachy: Gestalt is a member of Team McCann
Foxylady: Caralina, Stinky Sardine and Albym are Team McCann
JillyComeLately: Caralina is a member of Team McCann
LillyoftheValley: nicked is a member of Team McCann
JillyComeLately: nicked is a member of Team McCann
JillyComeLately: " Team McCann had, at the last count 135 chimps/astroturfers/sock puppets on their payroll"
Donna: Emma2 is a member of Team McCann
Sally66: DeBunker is a member of Team McCann
Beachy: DeBunker is justlurking and a member of Team McCann
Potsy: newbie is DeBunker
Coldwater: DeBunker is twiglet1963, RRR, and HarveyHumphries
K4REN171: DeBunker is BJR, Nbrado, Princess Sukita, MoeSzyslak, Nicholass, TIREDOFTHEBS, FarFromThe, Scylla, Justin, Elizabeth, Shoperoo, and Poppyflowers (who also uses the fourm to flood with posts from other sources Plath, Beach, Cookie, Betwise, Tiny, Mairyhinge, Muratslawyer, Muratsglasses, Lindz07, DRACHENSACHEN/Rhodes, and P20)
LaffinAssassin: DeBunker is SlyFox
Blackwater: DeBunker is Nbrado
ScotBot: Nbrado is DeBunker in disguise
Vexiana: Rhodes is DeBunker
ShuBob: "To be honest, I can't keep up with these debunker people"
jkh: "who is DeBunker?"
Wiseman: DominicanDave is sammysnake and AliceM
Marian: Tony_Q is Tony Bennett
Marian: Hippychick is CrystalTips and MazMod
Lizzy: ChinaGirl is Kate
Blacksmith: Gestalt is Mumbles
Miffed: Rumpleteaser is Verbatim
Miffed: Positron is Verbatim
Dinsdale Piranha: Verbatim is Wag
UncleMonty: Lovemedo is Verbatim
RRR: Verbatim is positron and snoop and rocket
Miffed: JREWING is Helmetheid
R_MuratsGlasses: Blondie is Nbrado
Blondie2: Nbrado is Grimly
Arguida: Nbrado is DixonCox
Arguida: Nbrado is "a bunch of other people"
RRR: Sir R is Prof Moriarty is SirR
Whatever: SallyGardens is Gardenia
Coldwater: Blossom is Terrybull
Hellothere is TheGoverner and maybe CheeseMaster
Vancouver1: Gestalt is Gerry or one of the T9
SnivellingMole: DairyMilk is Tyra
Rammy: JillyComeLately is Go Get ‘Em Goncalo
LilyoftheValley: Fox is one of the T7 (where’d the other two go? Woof)
Joline: Fox is Rosie
Oldcrone: Truth M’Lud is NurseProstlink
LaffinAssassin: Splodgeboy is Truth M’Lud
Blacksmith: Logicman is Coldwater
Blondie2: Sentinel says Coldwater is PsychicSarah
Rammy: Sentinel is Retribution
Chrissie: Sentinel is Gerry
Sentinel: "they are delusional fools, some of whom believe that i am gerry mccann or Clarence"
But what’s in a name? It’s the thought that counts. And because I’m a sniffer dog, not an air traffic controller, lets 100% let the respected members speak for themselves in the backstabbing department:
"beachy is another fantasist. probably worked in the police typing pool." Sentinel
"Beachy is shocking because she gives quite different life stories to you, which insidiously wrap around your own life. When she realised I was from Suffolk, she fabricated a story about her family home in Ipswich. When I asked her on the Mirror Forum (when I had a different name), she told me a different story, based around Brighton. I have pages of stuff from her, as do others, and they are totally irreconcilable. And her "cases" are complete fiction." JimH
"Beachy is a fraud and judging by the number of supportive pms I've received, I don't think I'm alone in this belief. I have most her pms saved and although it pains me to say it (I do honestly like a lot of her posts), she fabricates stuff in a pathological and disturbing fashion. Even Redsquare (who I think is pretty much impeachable in terms of integrity) thinks she is full of bullshit." Pogacsa
"Hi Laffin is a resident. As a rule of thumb, any name with 3 consonants, or even multple ie 6, will usually be a resident and pro Mccann and/or pro Murat." TTW4
"laffin is a disruptor...believe me..." Tripz
"I am not defending Laffin by any means but you must understand when things like you shag goats are printed on sites it is only natural to get very offended and go after these people." Admin
"you probably see my topic in repsonse to kezwalk whata bitch he/she is" carlymichelle
"Snivelling Mole gets right up my nose, as she just wants to gossip about them in a bitchy way." horsegirl
"Oh Lorriane WTF....Nasty what a bitch (Gran)..." Willow
"you've got to admit that carlymichelle's post are probably the most irritating on the forum... i know the poor lady is ill but...anything to deter her from posting is a good thing no?" astromum
"Bugalugs is a cheeky git - telling me to go and shut the door behind me. Who do these people think they are?" Poppyflowers
"Bugalugs was so rude without reason....didnt realise it was so bad with some people here to be honest..." pinkpixiexx
"He hasn't changed. He was an asshole then, and he's an asshole now. (Nbrado)" Beachy
"OMG have you just seen what he's (Tony_Q) said, although admin have deleted it l thought l'd send it to show you what an idiot we've conversed with tonight." Margaret
"the man's an idiot. you can drive a coach and horses through his arguments. good job he wasn't a barrister." Cushty
"What do you think Stevo's up to? Is he aligned with TB, just playing naive or is he really an idiot?" LittleGreyCell
"TRIPZ is a BULLY and you are no better for sticking up for him." Potatoe Head to jjp
"Sorry, had you (Qwerty) down for a moron for a while - obviously just a pious prick - Daddy." Markmirfin
"I have no time for the ignorant man (Stevo). I can't bear to enter his threads." xxdelly
"Very strange individual (Stevo), I know that some of us could be construed as being a bit obsessed in trying to work out what has happened to Madeleine but multiple websites are obsessive imo." xxdelly
"What a twat. (Stevo) " writer lynn

You have to wonder whether they actually hate the McCanns as much as they hate each other. But they won’t tell you that to your face.

PS: A copper’s advice to Bren: ‘switch off the PC.’

CarlyMichelle is still waiting for an answer on her offer to mod.

Laffin assures us he is of ‘previous good character.’

And I purposely left out the fact that jjp advertises for sex hook ups with couples and says he has an average sized dick. Which is scary because everybody adds at least three inches on the internet.

Really, what is it you awful people actually think you're accomplishing? Even if you were right with your wild, discredited theories, your character wouldn't survive the first paragraph in News of the World.

More to come. WOOF!

As love in the air, something from the Chavbeths....

Hi Laffin

Really don't know how you managed to reply to that "business" PM - it was definitely deleted from the outbox. (Will try not to do it again, but sometimes my enthusiasm knows no bounds. Please keep to yourself (yes, I know Muratarse has guessed me - but not the other. Stevo is not on team.) And there is most definitely no access to anyone else's PMs. (??? Anyone else... so there's someone else? Grrrrrr....)

See Zeph has now put herself on Muratarse's radar by making 2 posts - possibly not a wise move if she doesn't want to be stalked - s/he's likely not to give her an easy time. But I'm sure a lady with that vocabulary can look after herself.

Are you more confident that Hounding is the Irish Tony??

See Isis seems to be defecting back (if she ever left) to Jans and signing up to twattwins - the latter surprised me. It would be interesting to have a better handle on who are Irish posters??

When are you giving those clay pigeons a bit of stick?? I "feel" for them! hope you have a good time! Good luck, whenever.

Take care

Van xxx

ETA 1 sentence re Zeph
ETA 2 test PM

Not quite as smart about who's faking who as he thinks, is he?

Hi Duarte,

To the best of my knowledge "nicked" is the poster who put the "rogue" witness statements in this forum - unsourced.

As they have been unveiled as an anti but posing as a pro in the 3As don't you think it's time to evaluate the fact that the rogue witness statements by nicked may in fact be total fabrications?

Considering "nicked" is "Louise (redacted)" I would view them with extreme caution!


Guardian of the site where "there is NO threat to its demise or the serious discussions take place in a hostile atmosphere"?

Just like Chez Beo, where "Member Privacy and Security is Our Top Priority"

quote=roshea Got two PMs in my inbox, thought you should have a look at. Is this right?, Is this forum compromised????"

Been out all day and got back to reading dozens of questions about this.

Looks like more shenanigans from nbrado or his cronies. I fail to see what is compromised. You don't exactly need to sign the official secrets act to join up and as we debate things in public I'm still bemused what all the fuss is about.

Ok, some people maybe share their granny's secret recipe for puddings with each other! So what?

I'd love to know what is or can be compromised...


Questions, questions... even then....

Is the new forum the last step in a plot or just the knock of opportunity?

Stevo & Analogy

Subject: Private meesage to me at 3As posted by nbrado on spoof site

quote=analogy Why did stevo set up that site? and why were we all then sent an email directing us to it?

Who was the original admin that sat and watched as nbrado merrily posted all this private info? stevo??

Who has now taken over as admin?"

Care to explain?

Vintage Night of a Thousand Knives Bugalugs II

Death threats and seasonal greetings

All i can say is one day....when my nippers are all grown up......i would do time with great pride for a shot at Kate McCann.

You have yourself a merry Christmas too Big L.


Vintage Night of a Thousand Knives Bugalugs I

Bugalugs embraces Multi-cultural Britain

Bugalugs to Bren:

Yeah thats me an effing angel.......always have been

You sound a lot like me with your moans and grumbles on the train..thats the sort of thing i do on a daily basis. I use the sainsburys petrol station by me and all the staff are Asian. When you go in they are jib jabbering in Hindu/Urdu or whatever and just stick out ther hand for your money....i'm always as akward as possible, like asking to look at something on the shelf behind them (batteries or whatever). One time i asked for baccy and a receipt and when the woman never gave it to me i asked again in an irrtated voice, she said "i never heard you"; so i said "yeah you was too busy chatting to your mate"; so she said "i was talking about work"; so i said "well i couldn't understand a damn word you were saying so how the hell do i know what you were talking about" & low and behold the olde racist card was produced. I asked for the manager and in my most pleasant tone explained how rude it is for staff to be conversing with each other whilst serving customers, i the told him its even worst when the chat is not in English, and that i found that exceptionally rude.; The staff hate me in there, but it really fcuks me off.

Did I fail to sniff love in the air?

CarmenCurlers to Bren (across the fence, one presumes)

Morning Bren,

Spirit of co-operation and all that....

Good call last night - better to have 'em pissing out of the tent than in - well done!

Not altogether surprised, little birdie tells me that SteveO is acting odd, he put up, and therefore controls, Tony Bennett's site, and apparently Bennett hasn't been able to get any communication out of him for over three weeks now, although SteveO has been posting on 3A's so is around; therefore can't update web site, other than posts. He was greatly in communication with 'doris', Tony's side kick, who believed he was arriving in Europe and she was going off into the Portuguese sunset with him, Gone with the Wind stuff, etc., etc., but he never arrived, and now won't answer e-mails from her or Tony.......

These are mysterious waters, and a little girl lies forgotten by many eh?


Bugalugs.... "gone to Stevo's new site!!"

hI am really sick of it all! 8 just can't take it anymore. When I am called a liar I just see red!!

I have never gotten over that night [that Murat posted here] and probably never will. I know those that who beleived I was a WUM and were are a lot of surprises for me

Most of them were followers of CW and CW added her voice to those caling for my head.
I have not moved on!!

Re Bugalugs ..a she BTW she has left the forum over the Tony Bennet/ JHL thread and gone to Stevo's new site!!

I think the fact that she was outed as Dumpertruck may have helped.

No doubt she is here in a different guise and will pounce on me again. For somebody who professes to hate me she is obsessed and cannot leave me alone!!


Bugalugs... thug and the Legend of PoppyFlowers

Hi Shiv,

Yes AMiller and co are the mainstay of that blog. I just cannot be doing with*****, ******, **** (zzzz) and ***** (******??)

Baronstu launched into a full on threat to me and two others last week because we didn't agree his thread was appropriate. He originally called it 'OLD MA HEALEY-AGAIN' and it was about her comment in the Liverpool Echo about how the forums are full of cretins. Basically he called her and her elderly sick husband for everything, really sick vile comments - the type Bernice used to accuse me off, and I couldn't see the point in attacking two old people who can't help being the parents of Kate McCann. The mods renamed the thread to something like Healeys/Echo comment. Baronstu was furious and threatened to 'find' us and 'get' us. Pathetic, I know, but a bit scary at the time. The thread is still there somewhere. After that his mate Bugalugs1970 started to PM me to abuse me further and I just couldn't take it anymore.

I know there are always going to be extremes on both sides, but at a time where we all know that Clarence is having the forums monitored, why give him what he wants? Why make it easy for him? As it happens, I think Mrs Healey was proven right on the day; the forums ARE full of cretins, Baronstu being one of them.

I honestly believe there are plants on here just to rabble rouse and generate hatred. The McCanns can then call us what they like and then endeavour to have the forum shut down.

The worst bit was when I put it into words on a thread of my own - basically warning everyone what will happen if we allow bullying and threatening behaviour to continue. I got over 40 replies in less than 20 minutes -all saying the same thing that Baronstu should have been banned. Next thing he appears again and launches another attack and more threats on other people! then out of nowhere came Nbrado and banned him!

****** ** who posts as 'kissmyass' (very apt) made an appearance to gloat about me being bullied - which was nice.........

Then one of BJR's oppo's PM'd me to tell me the thread was being deleted as it was causing unrest and accused me of doing an 'announce & flounce'. I was furious, literally sick with anger.

You've seen my posts on here and on SKY - I am fairly measured in my approach and not prone to hissy fits.

It was all very horrible and so I have decided to lay low. There are a lot of people on here angry that Baronstu is still a member - which goes right against the rules of the forum

I'm only hanging around to pick up my pms' and read Coldwater.

TAke Care


Monday, June 29, 2009

Creepy Abuela Part II

Name, address, spouse, spouse's maiden name, spouse's business interests, spouse's birthday, father, father's profession, father's location, mother, parents' marital status, father's second wife's name, date of father's second marriage, creepy. Creepy, wrong, invasive, bizarre, WOOF!

Does anyone know if M*** W******* T***** of ***** **** Surrey the "freelance journalist" arrested here is any relation to M*** ************* crime expert and friend of the ******** who runs ***************************[quote]"

One and the same Tylermum. Only one **** ***************** on the birth index (middle name ****). Address is ******* ****** ** ***** *****, *********, ********, ****** (on the *****/****** *******) Wife is ***** nee *****, who is director of six companies. Can only find two, ** ********* and ** ***********, which deals in ******* and ************ ***********, ***** ************ and **. The company was set up on ** **** 200*, just a month after Madeleine went missing. By strange coincidence, his wife, *****'s birthday is *** ****!!

*********** father is ** ****** *** ***************** who is a doctor in ******, *********. His mother is **** nee *********** but they are divorced and he married a ***** * ********* in ************ in August 2000.

Just in case you are wondering, I am a genealogist and have access to the records.

Something I just can't put my finger on about this lot...but I'll keep searching!


Search away - perhaps you'll find something to report you wouldn't mind admitting to. Or maybe you'll find a life. WOOF!

"What is going on with Laffin?"

Potsy to Bren:

Dear Bren,

I love 3As. I think it is important that we discuss the case and other appropriate topics.

What is going on with Laffin? I think it is so distracting. I think people have been banned for less nastiness.

Is he having a meltdown? Why are their posts that make no sense to the thread?

Please, please, is there anyway we can calm it down.

Got enough nasty pros to deal with...and the depression over this stupid Oprah show...


Wishing you the best.

Thanks for listening..

xxxooo Dorothy

"I wish I had kept the emails - I outed her once"

To MoeSzyslak

Hi, ***

I was just in the process of typing a PM to you! How are you?

fft - blinking menace! Now do I go in softly, or aim straight for the jugular. You do, of course, know who it is? Forgotten the name she used, but she is the one who was using us all as an experiment. I wish I had kept the emails - I outed her once. She is also the partner or wife of the chap I used to have all the discussions with about DNA.

Wish my memory was a bit better. Sure sign that retirement was "a good thing. Having said that, I seem to spend an inordinate length of time at university in an advisory capacity; they need us old uns to add a bit of clout!


Stand by your gran (slam!)

I have had enough of her and her plagiarised or pointless threads. She is not doing my blood pressure a lot of good.

H**** (aka chimaera)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Do you honestly think that our PMs are not being monitored?"

Chimaera to swifty

Do you honestly think that our PMs are not being monitored? If I were to give you the link in this, then I would be banned. However, my email address is readily visible in my profile You show me yours and I'll show you mine, so to speak. Let me have an email addie and I'll post you details tonight. I hate censorship!

It's a sad day when you can't trust a suck up. Woof!

"I do have one talent" -- wrong, you have several you miserable old fattie

chimaera to bren:

You sound really upset, my darling. Try not to let the b*ggers gribd you down!

For me, this forum was the first I had ever joined (I totally discount the MF from which I was banned!), and I joined this for the same reasons you started it; to find the truth and get some form of justice for a delightful little girl who had the most despicable parents.

I have dipped my toe, so to speak, in other forums, but really did not like the raison d'etre - which seemed to be to slag off this forum! In the past, I had many PMs as well as emails inviting me to join this forum and that forum - so many that I have now closed the email account I used to register here (so no point emailing me!!) and I can no longer remember my password anyway!

I have contributed so little to this forum compared to others. I prefer to gather information, analyze it and ONLY when I am 100% certain of my facts - I will post - that's the scientist in me, I'm afraid. But I do have one talent and that is spotting people's writing styles. No matter how well they think they have hidden them, I can spot them.

Maybe I should not have "outed" sabot last night, but truth is that I recognised sabot's style as B******* J****** (wrong. Woof, beeotch! And I know one when I sniff one). fft is someone who was banned from here, but I cannot remember her name on here. She posted under several, one of which was Kay Scarpetta. (Wrong again!)

Anyway, if I spot any other distruptors, do you want me to wade in, or run it past you first? I really would hate adding to your worries.

I love this forum and - quite honestly - we are ALL your guests and it is about time people realized that and behaved as they would if they were a guest in another's home.

On a personal note; I am glad that bloody gran has gone - it put me off posting every time I came on and there were endless sodding messages at the top of the board. But then, maybe I am just a cantankerous, grumpy old woman! (DING! DING! DING!)


You have heaps of talent, old girl. You're treacherous. You're a suck up. You're a back stabber. You're a semi stalker. That is more than evident. And remember, dogs don't lie! Woof!

She loves him, she loves him not

You cunt you were going to marry me, I asked and you agreed.

I'd have given my all for you. I defend you and back up your stupid toe-curling posts. I got rid of Stevo for you. I didn't even know the person.

He was prolly respectable and a thoroughly decent bloke.

So listen up shit for brains its about time you remembered who yer mates were, even librarising is hurt I think. Haven't seen him for ages since you insulted him.

Love Marian.

Such a nice woman, such lovely language...

Marian to Cabo:

Have you gone mad.

You have known traveller was my OH since the mirror forum days you stupid Alzheimer's bastard.

Or is your own ego so stuffed up your own arse you can't remember who you're talking to?

I have run this forum with you when there was no cunt who would even write on it during the days when the news were deader than Mandolin.

Now get a grip. People here are nice to you, you sociopath, be nice back for once.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"they will implode and turn on each other"

Re: Who wrote this and WHY ? 01 May 2008 13:59:31 (merged)

Between you and I, I have rung a solicitor and he said even solicitors letters will be ignored and the problems you all have is that it crosses into Irish Law and Scottish Law.

To sue them for libel is very very expensive and these types of people will just ignore letters and have no money probably and you could end up with hell of a bill.

He gave me an action plan, told me to close the blog down and put up something that you are getting people to monitor these sites, they will be so busy trying to check ips and best thing he explained is to ignore and starve them to death. The problem we have Laffin they are doing it via USA blogs or sites, which often involves USA laws and they allow more freedom of speech than we do, and we have no control over these and also harassment is only really proven if they send emails etc and things direct to you in email communication or through normal mail. What they are doing is actually libel which he says costs one hell of a load of money to get to court if you can manage it.

So I have put that up, closed the blog so they start wondering if I am doing something. I know Bonnybraes1 all the time I was posting on that blog and you are posting about blondie, she is getting the reaction she wants, it might take some time Laffin but perhaps if we do ignore totally and they will implode and turn on each other. That I am sure of.

Best thing for you is to keep onto the police about the threats than Andy made to you and demand they deal with it. Go through the ranks until you reach the top if you have to and report all those that don't do anything. Because his threats were criminal and not civil.

You know you're a chav when...


quote= Laffin Assasin Give him my best regards.

Wicksy: LA, I will.

Back in april, when i was in Portugal, I left a bottle of quality whiskey for Dr Amaral and some silk- flowers for his wife at the PJ HQ in Faro, ask him if he got them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Respected Members, technically; Respectable members, not so much. If you're normal.

(to and from redacted because it's the thought that counts)

really there's nothing there I could get offended at, you come across fine. I've 'put my foot in it' a lot, even though I think I'm sensitive I have come out with dreadful things that have reduced friends to tears...

My previous marriage failed, with my ex-husband saying he couldn't stand my not having friends; it wasn't 'normal'. I did have some - well, a few - friends when we met but he made it clear he didn't like them. One of the things that caused us to split up was his refusal to have children... he said I couldn't even look after myself properly. I was literally desparate to have children; scared I might take someone's baby at my worst times. Luckily I met another man who, like me, finds making and keeping friends difficult so that in itself is a kind of kinship plus we're similar on other levels, both artistic, not too confident. His mother gave him up for adoption when he was a baby. I find I usually bond more with people who've had difficulties in life. He is a fantastic Dad, particularly given his hard start in life and he is tireless doing stuff with our kids and definitely still a child at heart. I will try and get my hubby to read your post (he dislikes reading) as I can never explain things clearly to him in a way he responds to as far as AS is concerned. He says everyone has something 'wrong with' them and to just get on with it. I will have to keep introducing little relevant snippets I find out in the hope I can chip away at him. I will order the book you recommend about bullying. (Redacted. After the previous, you don't want to know.) Sorry to ramble on so. I had loads of spam pms today so was really pleased to get yours with all the sound advice.

(People like this are among those presuming to judge others as part of the 3Arguidos pursuit of "justice". Based on what? Their own personal superiority and the frenzied, disproven, discredited ramblings on a hate site?)

"...to be quite frank, Bren lost it."

Sent: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:05 pm
by Stevo
Thanks Photon.

I've had many PMs since I wrote that OP this morning. I wasn't going to bother but another poster told me at the weekend to air those views because there were several people also annoyed at that long-winded "threat" thread where to be quite frank, Bren lost it.

I will continue to post - but will confine it to my own forum for the time being. The 7 pages of hostile reaction to my simply pointing out that in a Madeleine McCann forum (even the name is no longer applicable!), there were only 6% of posts discussing it. People seemed to go off on tangents and interpret this as me telling them what to discuss. I wasn't. I was stating a fact. Personally I'd rather be posting a forum where there is a good 80-100% of discussion about the case. I can do without 911 conspiracies, flying saucers and talk of banana trees.

There's a hardcore of serious posters and I'd like to think I've always been one. Unfortunately we've lost good ones like IRONSIDE. It goes without saying that the translators; Kazlux, Astro and Co. are fantastic but to me, all that good work is being overshadowed by this underbelly of disruptors - DCB, Cabo, diddy, Jed etc.

Without sounding pompous, I'm fed up of wading through threads that are so far off topic it's more of a time wasting exercise. I want the truth, the evidence, the debate etc. but without this garbage inbetween.

Anyway, I've had a good volume of support from you and others today so thanks for the encouragement!



What the comb really thinks part 3

Just to let you know by 'pm' that the more I think about this case (and I have done now for over 18 months every day), the paedophilia scenario, awful though it is to even think about it, is the one that explains the whole situation better than any other. I will also honestly put on record to you that I think Robert Murat is deeply involved in whatever happened to Madeleine. The success conviction in the British courts today of a man for raping his 2-year-old daughter shows just how low people can go

Tony Bennett

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Doris won't tell you this to your face but...

She's not very happy with some of you cheap flints. Apparently, she thinks you're all talk and no action. Doris, and this wasn't even before your failed coup!

Doris writes:

Fox , how very brave of you to post that ! I expect you will get criticism as did the other person whom I now know was a decent chap who has tried to help , I do agree with you , but it is up to people to make their minds up , it does make me angry sometimes that they do say these things and do nothing ,yes a lot of people travelled at their own expense because they truly want justice and the truth and I am one that will continue to do so , for me it was 4and half hours there and 4 and half hours back and campaigning all day in square after returning home the previous night at 3 am from the Cambridge debate , but I wouldnt have missed either even though (redacted, breathless personal blather) and she made the effort to come also and I really admire her , she had miles to travel too xxxx

BTW, Doris, do you think Bren owns porn sites, like Stevo does?

And Keela left a stain on the rug that's left an unnatural colour. You've got some experience with unnatural colours... any helpful hints? WOOF!

What the Comb really thinks Part 2

"[quote=abuela]Hope you don't think I was being critical Tony, because I wasn't, you're doing a great job, but as an ex secretary of the old school, those little things jump out at me!!


Abuela (J*****)[/quote]

Not a problem at all, you keep up the good work on all fronts...I am currently doing a bit of research on Robert Murat, a key figure I think, not 'Mr Innocent' IMO


The Comb isn't the only one who thinks so...

Well to be honest mickey1, I am not ruling M**** out altogether now, after he was vilified by them and how is life was so destroyed, anybody would have spoken out before now and he has not and that worries me.

I think it is to do with drink/drugs with the McCanns and some of them, but I do have this fear that one does have a shady secret they do not want exposed. My money is on P**** being involved in this somewhere.


Monday, June 22, 2009

What the comb really thinks Part 1.

Hallo Jeanne d'Arc,

There was another similar Murat thread a few weeks back and early on after it started, I gave several reasons for thinking, just like you do, that Robert Murat was involved. I won't repeat them here or on the forum.

I went to hear Robert Murat in person in Cambridge, even got one or two photos. He said nothing about what really happened. He took trouble however in his short talk to emphasise that Madeleine was abducted. And he collected his £600,000.

One thing I have never understood at all is why some of the 'Tapas' and Mitchell...

...identified Murat
...compared him to ian Huntley
...told the journalist Lori campbell that he was a 'wrong 'un' etc.


Also why exactly was he so handy on the scene as a translator that very night?

And why did he apparently rush over to Portugal on 1 May?

If they were all involved in something illegal and very evil, why point the finger at Murat?

What could the McCanns, the 'Tapas 7' and Mitchell have to gain by putting Murat in the spotlight?

Yes, for me, most definitely Murat was involved.

I wondered if this actually went further.

I tend to believe that Madeleine died either on 1 May or 2 May.

Is it possible that Madeleine died at Murat's hand in some way? - but in circumstances which, if revealed, woud also highlight the culpability of the McCanns?

Thinking aloud...

[By the way, a few weeks after he was made arguido, he did say I think on the record that he wished he'd never met the McCanns. Or something like that]"

Hmmm.....don't remember reading that in 6000000 reasons

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The more things change...

quote=princess_leia I knew you were going to say that! Damn lol

Oh well, if you ever feel like spilling the beans, please let me be the first to know. Vivida and her friends on the pro boards caused me a major problem last year involving the police.

Thanks for the info anyway.

Thanks Princess_leia

It's not that I don't want to say for any other reason than I can't betray the person providing me with the info. If I did that it would just dry up completely if you know what I mean.

What was the pro board she was involved in?

I can't seem to see any other connections to Ms Vivida (McCann family/friends etc.) so all I can assume is she's there to disrupt. I asked if she's a journo but more than likely she just worked/works in one of the newspapers. Her location is showing up as **** St/********* so it's a good match given the other info. Most of the papers as you know are on Fleet Street or Farringdon Street.


One size never fit all...

Bren to greenhouse:

Hi greenhouse,

I really can't reveal peoples IP's to members or confirm if they post from a particular IP. Hope you understand and thanks for the info we will keep an eye on things.


Bren to Stevo

I have neotraced them and they come up with Birmingham.

We do not have her registered her but the email addy she used to contact me was mailto:***********@btinternet.com. The
(redacted email address) comes up with a ******* **** on facebook, no friends.

Publisher's description

NeoTrace shows you how packets get from your computer to another computer on the Internet by displaying all nodes between your computer and the trace target.

Members' security was never a big issue for Beowulf...


I perfectly understand your point, but let me just quickly mine since i have no much time to spend with this.
- First I fully aware of the situation, what I'm doing with some sense of humor is avoiding paranoia that many members with less tech knowledge easily get into, as I could see by previous situations.
- You may have knowledge of SQL and know that its not that dificult to search for information in a database, no matter how big it is. I'm not saying that I know more then you, but SQL is also peanuts for me, and I'm perfectly aware of what they can and can't do right now no matter how large is their knowledge and resources.
- You can say that there was some nigligence on the problem that caused this, the PHPBB3 update caused disruption on the .htaccess on some folders. That is definitely unexpected, and I would be easy to happen to any admin and never noticed. Even without any security directives in the .htaccess files, there would be nothing else they can do other then downloading non-web related files on the webroot, which doesnt represent any threat for the forum/server. However when backups of the forum are done through the forum control panel, a copy of the backup stays in the /store/ folder so the forum can be restored anytime just by browsing the existing backups without the need for upload. Sometimes I delete them but it was never expected to have this uncommon issue, and I even used to have a cron setup to delete those backups authomatically, but once i had an issue with the remote backup server, and had to stop it.
- They can create fake PMs but the same can be done against them, members saying that PMs they are publishing are fake. Same happened before on a simmilar situation.
- I do what I can do to get the forum running, I'm not being payed, nor I get any kind of benefit for doing so. I have anough in my plate to deal everyday, so, here I do what I find that needs to be done to keep the forum running. Don't expect me to do the same as I do for paying clients that have critical servers managed by me. I know also we should care for members security but its not a responsability we should take eavily. Ppl are aware of risks since they just connect to the Internet, and members are also adviced adviced about risks of sending vital info through PMs. If it is to take it that far, I would tell everybody to not even use the Internet.

- and THE MOST IMPORTANT for me is to keep the forum up... if they got a copy of the database, other then cloning the forum (unupdated), reading PMs, IPs and email addresses, they will not take control of this server. The issue is not a security issue in the system, but just files there were not protected from public access.
They can even get root access to the server, It will take me just 2 hours to get everything back up and running again... and the forum will keep its voice up.

Again, I understand you point, but you don't know many past situations and whats behind the courtins... so, I understand you, and I thank you for your concern!
Showld I be alert for consequences? Yes...
Should I worry? not that much...
Should I stress out and fall into paranoia?? Not at all...
REMEMBER: I'm just avoiding paranoia, I'm not misleading anybody... Every risk members can take are well explained in the first post.
Believe me... sometimes there's an ant in the forum and people come up to me saying there's an elefant there!
What matter is, the forum will keep up!

"Please stop this outing of members on this forum"

Outing of Members

Sent: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:58 pm
From: Admin
To: Stevo

Sorry but this has got to stop, last night you were insinuating at chinagirl, maybe she is a pro but she still has rights as a member. Please stop this outing of members on this forum. As for your PM to the Mods about ******, no he is not being protected and if you emailed him and spoke perhaps you might learn something to your advantage. But I guess because he holds the view of a fence sitter he is not worthy of being contacted, well Stevo sorry to say, sometimes things are not what they seem and people can jump to conclusions and get things so, so wrong and ruin a lot of good work that some people are trying to do.

It is not up to me to tell you as it involves ****. I know you do a lost of investigative work with this case but please your insistence of outing posters is making this forum come into disrepute and I will not have that. If you want to out members, please do not use this forum to do it.


Ferretmama writes

Hi A******

I expected it to be deleted but I was so pissed off with him and his racist views and it has been going on a little too long for my liking. People like Tony_Q make me ashamed to be British.

Thanks for your support

"What the fuc.k are you going on about now shit.forbrains??"



For some unknown reason the poster that calls himself Marky 1 repeatedly insults me and/or calls me names even though I have him on ignore and he knows it.
My son has just rang me and told me what he has put on the thread I started in The Lounge entitled 'We'll be next'
I think if you read the thread, you'll agree it does not even begin to warrant the insult that Marky 1 has added.
Please remove it and warn this person......I have had at least half a dozen similar instances in the last week alone (so my son tells me, I can't be bothered to read them all).
Thanks for your time.

Thereafter to Admin:

Re.: Harrassment

Many thanks.

Yet, he doesn't seem to need skirts to hide behind...

To Marky1

Re: 60 Reasons Book (merged)

Subject: 60 Reasons Book (merged)


i don't know what made me chuckle more. that there's a poster preaching standards where civility is concerned or that his name is tony_q"

What the fuc.k are you going on about now shit.forbrains??

Tony_Q to NannaDebbie

Absolutely pathetic decision. You have become exactly the same as the press with the McScums!!.....Say what you're told and do not show Americans in a bad light!!......They ARE an awful race of people and their hideous creeping culture will eventually destroy society both there and here...the evidence is all around you.
You have already driven off a lot of valuable members with your ridiculous stance on many matters and I am now joining them.
Good luck with the valuable contributions of a bunch of giggling Yank birds talking complete bollocks and immature imbeciles like Ferretwhatsit and Marky calling people names non-stop.
The forum will be dead inside 3 months.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

"they'll regret crossing me"

I aren't bothered if **** has had "Burn-out" problems in the past, he's doing a good job for Maddy at the moment. I spoke on the phone with **** just before ****** and found him pleasent (sic) enough. If or went I get hold of some of them other "posters" on other sites, and I know where some of them live, they'll regret crossing me.

Laffin, a friendly sort.

"Calm down, if I lived closer to rothly i'd be round there with a Mr mol... it ...ov c0ck.. apperative.

If you comprende."

"I think Amaral is mad to associate himself with us lot"

cushty to mojo

Subject: Meeting/conference with Goncalo Amaral

quote=mojo cushty..agreed there is much to be cynical about in this case.
but Levy and Reis, i believe have helped the cause for justice hugely.

i just couldn't understand why you asked if they would be there?'

just a bit puzzled as to the hot/cold relationship admin here seems to have with Levy and Reis, so I wondered if Amaral was being promoted to put their efforts in the shade personally I think Amaral is mad to associate himself with us lot - it will ruin any credibility he had left - the McCanns will be thrilled to see him posting here, or attending a meeting hosted by the 3As

The Lady's Not for Turning... Up

Chimaera writes:


Before we left W******** to travel to the Union, my friend (who was to sign me in) telephoned the Union to find out how busy it was likely to be. She was told that it was "embarrassingly unpopular" with only 10 confirmed bookings (this was around 7pm) and that it was too late to cancel, although it "could yet happen". We decided to give it a miss, I'm afraid.

We are both getting on a bit and not really up to protesting any more, although you do, of course, have our full support in what you have achieved.

Kind regards


Rois' Roid RAGE!


Who the HELL does this woman think she is? I am so sick of seeing her avatar rudely sticking her tougue out at posters, and I consider her posts to be entirely out of line.

She apparently has the attitude displayed by her avatar, and you know what? This topic - JUSTICE FOR MADELEINE is a bit too serious for some sassy little power freak to moderate, apparently.

Her post in reply to mine claimed the topic that was frozen had been gone over too many times. Well, maybe she can learn to read because it was an entirely NEW line of discussion. Who the hell does she think she is? Do you expect your mods to read the forum posts before barging in and censoring users? I am furious.



CaptnMorgan Post subject: Re: Censorship on the 3AsPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:09 pm

Global Moderator

Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 8:04 pm
Posts: 940
Location: Davy Jones' Locker roisin wrote:
I consider LOCKING OF THREADS in the middle of discussions full of posts that do not break forum rules to be nothing less than censorship.

I consider posts that bring up subjects that have been discussed in length before to be worthy of being locked. It's what search is for. Threads that have died and dropped to the back of the pages did that for a reason.


Justice for Madeleine

"It certainly makes you wonder what some of them are like in real life!"

Hiya, I did read somewhere that baronstu had been banned and I did wonder why ... it is disgraceful what some are allowed to get away with on here. Not surprised to learn he has been allowed to return albeit with a new username - I get the feeling the banning of members on here is a waste of time. I have never posted on the live web chat - but I am from S******** so there must be 3 of us lol. It sure is a small world. Grimly Feendish was/is an anti but is clearly very warped. I agree there are bullies on both sides. It certainly makes you wonder what some of them are like in real life !


" What a sorry state of affairs this has turned out to be"

Mumbles to Potsy

They've left Cheshirecat's post there (tho the content is deleted)... but whooshed Chimeara's one completely. (it wasn't pleasant)

I suppose you saw the thread that she opened... the one asking what was the point of the Inspirational thread?
Not sure what's going on at the moment.

Yeah... Scruffs is Blondie.

Just been reading MsMarbles new blog and the comments posted. Looks like everyone has plenty to say!

What a sorry state of affairs this has turned out to be.

I am relaxing... with a nice glass of red wine!

Mumbs x

What a bitch nest

"beachy is another fantasist. probably worked in the police typing pool." Sentinel

"Beachy is shocking because she gives quite different life stories to you, which insidiously wrap around your own life. When she realised I was from Suffolk, she fabricated a story about her family home in Ipswich. When I asked her on the Mirror Forum (when I had a different name), she told me a different story, based around Brighton. I have pages of stuff from her, as do others, and they are totally irreconcilable. And her "cases" are complete fiction." JimH

"Beachy is a fraud and judging by the number of supportive pms I've received, I don't think I'm alone in this belief. I have most her pms saved and although it pains me to say it (I do honestly like a lot of her posts), she fabricates stuff in a pathological and disturbing fashion. Even Redsquare (who I think is pretty much impeachable in terms of integrity) thinks she is full of bullshit." Pogacsa

"Hi Laffin is a resident. As a rule of thumb, any name with 3 consonants, or even multple ie 6, will usually be a resident and pro Mccann and/or pro Murat." TTW4

"laffin is a disruptor...believe me..." Tripz

"I am not defending Laffin by any means but you must understand when things like you shag goats are printed on sites it is only natural to get very offended and go after these people." Admin

"you probably see my topic in repsonse to kezwalk whata bitch he/she is" carlymichelle

"Snivelling Mole gets right up my nose, as she just wants to gossip about them in a bitchy way." horsegirl

"Oh Lorriane WTF....Nasty what a bitch (Gran)..." Willow

"you've got to admit that carlymichelle's post are probably the most irritating on the forum... i know the poor lady is ill but...anything to deter her from posting is a good thing no?" astromum

"Bugalugs is a cheeky git - telling me to go and shut the door behind me. Who do these people think they are?" Poppyflowers

"Bugalugs was so rude without reason....didnt realise it was so bad with some people here to be honest..." pinkpixiexx

"He hasn't changed. He was an asshole then, and he's an asshole now. (Nbrado)" Beachy

"OMG have you just seen what he's (Tony_Q) said, although admin have deleted it l thought l'd send it to show you what an idiot we've conversed with tonight." Margaret

"the man's an idiot. you can drive a coach and horses through his arguments. good job he wasn't a barrister." Cushty

"What do you think Stevo's up to? Is he aligned with TB, just playing naive or is he really an idiot?" LittleGreyCell

"TRIPZ is a BULLY and you are no better for sticking up for him." Potatoe Head to jjp

"Sorry, had you (Qwerty) down for a moron for a while - obviously just a pious prick - Daddy." Markmirfin

"I have no time for the ignorant man (Stevo). I can't bear to enter his threads." xxdelly

"Very strange individual (Stevo), I know that some of us could be construed as being a bit obsessed in trying to work out what has happened to Madeleine but multiple websites are obsessive imo." xxdelly

"What a twat. (Stevo) " writer lynn

No Dumbledore, Scylla coaches Bren in the dark arts of managing respected members

bjr, I hadn't seen your post when you made it, about having second thoughts about your work here on 3A, but I'm glad that you've come through your 'dark night of the soul'.

If that comment that I sent you a day or so ago is correct and that 3A is in someone's target scope, perhaps you might consider tightening things up.

I know that you want this to be a place of legitimate discussion that welcomes antis, pros and undecideds alike, but I think that things are going to heat up quite a bit more now that there are fewer anti communities to be found, and now that the McTeam is under increasing pressure. Some of their frustration will be (has already been?) directed at us, and we know how ugly people can get when they're backed into a corner.

Some forum software gives the admins/mods the option of moderating posts by new members before they actually get posted to the board. I don't know whether our software permits this, but it's an option you might like to consider. I think it was meant mostly as a protection against spammers, but it's also very useful against trolls and other troublemakers.

My home forum started as a 'democratic community' and everything we did that affected the community was put to discussion and a vote. It was a good idea but it didn't work, and eventually there was an acrimonious split. Most of the original core group of the community got together later to revive the forum with the help of the original domain name holder and server provider. I wasn't an original member, but I was involved in the revival, and during our preparatory discussions, we agreed that since the attempt at democracy didn't work and only resulted in protracted, circular discussions that got us nowhere and left everyone distressed and exhausted, we would use a more Draconian approach with the revived forum. Trolls and other abusive people were summarily banned after a behind-the-scenes discussion/vote among the admins/mods. No announcements were made publicly about bannings, and if anyone questioned the fate of the obvious trolls (which really was only done by other trolls), they were directed to reread our Terms and Conditions and told that if they didn't like them, they were free to leave. People like xela, who only wind people up and insult them, would quickly have been given the boot.

It wasn't ideal, but it was much less frustrating for those working behind the scenes, especially since most of us had less time to commit to being online for mod duties.

Another option is to use the registration queue, doing Google and other checks on IP addresses, email addresses and usernames of new members. (You may already be using this method.)

One forum I know of periodically suspends all new registrations when their dedicated trolls make a new foray on them.

If 3A were to consider tightening things up this way, an announcement could be stickied that due to the more concentrated effort by certain factions to disrupt this community, and which seems to be tied to an attempt to stifle any 'anti-McCann' discussions on the internet, this forum is forced to protect itself by using a stricter protocol (whatever might be decided on), and explaining that this was not the way you wanted to administer the forum but the continued undisturbed existence of 3A makes it preferable at this time; that this would not be an attempt on the part of 3A to end any 'pro-McCann' input and their views are already well represented on various threads which are available to all to read; that it is unfortunate that the devious and insistent methods being used against us make this necessary, but to ensure our members' peace of mind and the sanity of the admins/mods, this new protocol status will prevail for the foreseeable future; that 3A will take steps to protect itself and its members from both blatant and subtle attacks, and disruptive and abusive members will be excised like abscesses. Finally, a recognition that some, perhaps even many, members will protest these changes. So be it. If they don't like the way the board is run, they are free to leave.

I doubt any will leave forever, though they may stop posting for a while. But we're really the only game left in town when it comes to real discussion about the case. Most other places have already been overrun by the pro faction.

There's always a trade-off. Right now our trade-off is having to deal with troll attacks and disruptive posts by near-trolls, and too much of that can really get you down, as you know all too well.

The benefit of having this as a (locked) sticky is that 3A's position can be clearly stated, with the blame being clearly laid at the feet of disruptive factions, without it being lost in a discussion thread.

Please don't feel obliged to respond to this PM. It's not my intention to drag you into a discussion about how the forum is run. I have no complaints on that score. But I know how difficult it can be, and I just figured I'd share some thoughts on how to make it a bit easier for the next while {perhaps until after the McCanns are arrested - 'cause I think that's exactly what will happen in the next couple of months}.



Friday, June 19, 2009

"I am not comfortable with putting living people's details on a forum, but am quite happy for you to do so."

Tripz, if you want to progress this thread...the info is a public record and is available (with a subscription) on Ancestry.com, so it's not giving away any secrets! I would prefer not to be named as the source as I am helping some other people on the site with their genealogies and I wouldn't like them to think they couldn't trust me...however, quite happy for you to quote the details as they ARE public records, but many people wouldn't know where to find them.


R****** ******* **********. Born quarter ********* 19** in Wirral. Mother's maiden name ****.



Hi lynne, yes, back to balmy *********** on 24th for a week, can't wait to see ****** and ******. I see them on the webcam, although ***** usually just says "hiya nana, where's me grandad" Be good to give them both a hug.

Had the estate agent round this week so my apartment is really clean and tidy for a change! If we don't sell it by the end of summer, we will think of renting it out long term and renting in England. We are looking at *********** because we know it well and Mum lives there. To be honest, don't really know much about the *********** suburbs, so if you could suggest anywhere nice or areas to avoid, that would be good. Luckily we were able to pay off the mortgage when we sold the house in ******* so paid outright for this place. We will lose a bit, but with the euro against the pound, shouldn't be too bad. Fingers crossed!!

Difficult to find out much about Payne. I found his sister ******* who was born Leicester 19**. She married ****** * ***** in R******** 19**. She is (redacted) and mother's maiden name is *********. I did find the parents marriage too, but I've tidied up so well, I can't find it. I remember they were married in Leicester though.

Well, off to bed now, I've had a long tiring day doing absolutely nothing but sitting in the sun, soaking up some sunshine vitamins!

Take care and talk to you soon.


A D***** connection!

Hi polandguy. You may be interested in another D***** connection. As a genealogist, I am not comfortable with putting living people's details on a forum, but am quite happy for you to do so.

Just checked out ******* on Friends Reunited. She is listed under ****** ********** (which was her maiden name). On it she states that in 19** she left the UK for ******** with an NGO (I've NO idea what that means!), followed by eight and a half years at the ****** ********. Now working in a ******** *******.

This may, or may not, be of any importance, but just thought I would let you know.


Abuela (J******)

(How the hell does this topic get raised over fry up? Woof!)

Hello and thanks for an interesting read. I completely agree with you when you say that everything has a meaning if only we stop and look. The dream that my daughter and I had on the same night, was that we had sex with a not very sexy or fanciable actor, LOL! He wasn't someone in the headlines, we hadn't seen him on TV recently or even someone that we had discussed together previously. All very bizarre!

((redacted boring even for somebody who talks with relations about sex dreams.))


Abuela (J*****) x

Tripz, this is probably just purely coincidental, but O'Brien's mother's maiden name is ***** - the same as the guy at the *** that did the negative report.

And *******'s mother's maiden name is ******** - same as a certain politician, redacted

As I said, probably completely coincidental, but might be something you want to put in your notes.


Romeo and Juliet, Beauty (creative license) and the Beast, or Mr and Mrs Macbeth?

Fearing a banning, has Laffin laid plans to expose his beloved Photon?!?!

Laffin to CarlyMichelle:

I think I may get Banned before the night's out.

If I do, post this on the forum. But only if i get banned.

(start of formal approach)

Dear Laffin

I've been asked by Bren, and on behalf of all of the Mods, to apologize for not trusting you and providing appropriate support to a longstanding poster who has been victimized with unacceptable and aggressive posts. We are genuinely sorry for any distress this may have caused you. To the best of our ability, this will not occur again. We value your contribution to this site, as do very many posters, and we will try to provide a more secure posting environment in future.

Yours sincerely

Admin & Mod Team (end of formal approach)

Hope you think the letter writing course worked

Obviously, you will still be liable to moderation if your posts are inappropriately worded, in which case they will be edited or deleted as appropriate, but we will be on more of a look-out for longstanding and respected posters coming under attack.

Best wishes

Val xx

When I'm calling yooooooooo-ooooooo-ooooooooo.......

Subject: Pirate bay and nbrado !!

quote=Laffin Assasin Them Pirate bay guys got locked up didn't they, here's nbrado, handing the database out last year. !!"

Hi Laffin

Really, really sorry for all of the flak that you got because I posted on this thread - never dreamt! Christ, they really don't have anything else to do, do they? And that bl00dy ISAR with his supercilious comments - I'd love to throttle him. (you see, gentle reader, it's not just ice water and embalming fluid flows through those veins. Woof!)

And as for these two - visions of cackling witches:

blondie2 wrote:
Bonny wouldn't it be a scream if Laffin and Photon were unveiled as Team McCann!

You could add Bren into that mixture and they would do more damage than Tem McCann would do [if they existed]

bonnybraes wrote:

Honestly, blondie, I have often wondered that about Dr Photon, what with all the mind-juggling, being a Liverpool doctor and all. All the really nasty stuff seemed to start with the Photon takeover; either she is a seriously disturbed individual, or she is doing it all for a very good reason..."

There aren't enough numbers to count up to anymore !

Take care

Van xx

ETA #1 - deleted this from Resignation thread - advised to take to PM if he wishes to discuss (sorry):

quote=Laffin Assasin Circumstances unknown

that's a lie Nit's, unless some of tripz's aliens came and beamed her up, SOMEONE knows what happened. Laffin I blame you pal..your the one who caused this by bringing YOUR personal problems here..I hope you are fkn satisfied..job well done..hey !

Don't call us...


I have removed your post about offering to become a moderator because it could spark a whole series of requests.

We are still in the aftermath of the weekend and not making decisions just yet. Your name will be very seriously considered.

Thanks for the offer. I (or someone else) will be in touch soon."

yeah, yeah, I know; but ...

Scotbot to thentherewere4

Re: L***** Medical

It was in one of Duarte Levy's blogs (yeah, yeah, I know; but ...) IIRC.

But the pros don't need to discredit Levy - he does it himself

Bren to pjreis


Good afternoon I know you are in contact with Duarte Levy, but I read earlier that you said that he may sign up to the forum. I am a bit concerned that the pros might see this and see it as an opportunity to create a false account and play their underhanded tactics.

Please could you contact Mr Levy could you ask him if he does sign up to e-mail me at (redacted) from his sosmaddie e-mail address just to confirm that he has infact registered.

Hope you don't mind me asking you this but I don't want anything nasty being done by the pros to try and discredit Mr Levy after what the stinking British Press wrote about him.

Also I know you are a busy person but was wondering if you had consider being a mod for the forum. We value your contribution to the forum and would like to offer you a mod position. I understand if you can't commit the time but I do hope you take our offer of a mod position and if you do would like to welcome you to the team.

I have also sent Djorn a PM with my concerns about the pros possibly cloning Duarte. (Woof woof - Eddie finds that funny!!)

Thanks and have a nice Sunday


Bren, Nige, Bennett, Levy and Amaral - cosy, cosy, cosy, cosy

Bren to Redsquare

Hi Nigel.

First to wish you and yours a Happy New Year. Hope you are keeping well. I sent an email to you and Tony Bennett yesterday about this supposed meeting.

I don't know if you have skype or MSN but perhaps we could have a chat if you do about this meeting.

My skype sign in details are Bren-bjr
My MSN are (is - woof!) (redacted)

What I was thinking it might be a good idea if we can also get Duarte Levy involved. I know that he has spoken to Goncalo and would help us in the language barrier and also I thought Goncalo might feel at ease with someone there is knows personally.

Just a thought Nigel. Let me know what you think about things.

Take care


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Masquerade! Seething shadows breathing lies . . . Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you! - The Phantom of the Opera

Chimaera: SallyGardens is Kay Scarpetta
Chimaera: Granofeleven is Kay Scarpetta
Chimaera: fft is Kay Scarpetta
Blondie2: Earthspirit is Norah and Harmony and FFT and Kay Scarpetta
Logicman: FarFrom is Gerry McCann
Bren: FarFrom is ‘a close family relation from Gerrys (sic) side’
Potsy: Earthspirit is FFT
Blondie2: Earthspirit is a member of Team McCann
Earthspirit: "many of the vile people on this site are team mccann"
Blondie2: Tylersmum is a member of Team McCann
Blonide2: Tylersmum is a team of people
Chrissie: Sentinel is a member of Team McCann
Chrissie: Tripz is a member of Team McCann
Christie: Laffin is a member of Team McCann
Beachy: Gestalt is a member of Team McCann
Foxylady: Caralina, Stinky Sardine and Albym are Team McCann
JillyComeLately: Caralina is a member of Team McCann
LillyoftheValley: nicked is a member of Team McCann
JillyComeLately: nicked is a member of Team McCann
JillyComeLately: " Team McCann had, at the last count 135 chimps/astroturfers/sock puppets on their payroll"
Donna: Emma2 is a member of Team McCann
Sally66: DeBunker is a member of Team McCann
Beachy: DeBunker is justlurking and a member of Team McCann
Potsy: newbie is DeBunker
Coldwater: DeBunker is twiglet1963, RRR, and HarveyHumphries
K4REN171: DeBunker is BJR, Nbrado, Princess Sukita, MoeSzyslak, Nicholass, TIREDOFTHEBS, FarFromThe, Scylla, Justin, Elizabeth, Shoperoo, and Poppyflowers (who also uses the fourm to flood with posts from other sources Plath, Beach, Cookie, Betwise, Tiny, Mairyhinge, Muratslawyer, Muratsglasses, Lindz07, DRACHENSACHEN/Rhodes, and P20)
LaffinAssassin: DeBunker is SlyFox
Blackwater: DeBunker is Nbrado
ScotBot: Nbrado is DeBunker in disguise
Vexiana: Rhodes is DeBunker
ShuBob: "To be honest, I can't keep up with these debunker people"
jkh: "who is DeBunker?"
Wiseman: DominicanDave is sammysnake and AliceM
Marian: Tony_Q is Tony Bennett
Marian: Hippychick is CrystalTips and MazMod
Lizzy: ChinaGirl is Kate
Blacksmith: Gestalt is Mumbles
Miffed: Rumpleteaser is Verbatim
Miffed: Positron is Verbatim
Dinsdale Piranha: Verbatim is Wag
UncleMonty: Lovemedo is Verbatim
RRR: Verbatim is positron and snoop and rocket
Miffed: JREWING is Helmetheid
R_MuratsGlasses: Blondie is Nbrado
Blondie2: Nbrado is Grimly
Arguida: Nbrado is DixonCox
Arguida: Nbrado is "a bunch of other people"
RRR: Sir R is Prof Moriarty is SirR
Whatever: SallyGardens is Gardenia
Coldwater: Blossom is Terrybull
Hellothere is TheGoverner and maybe CheeseMaster
Vancouver1: Gestalt is Gerry or one of the T9
SnivellingMole: DairyMilk is Tyra
Rammy: JillyComeLately is Go Get ‘Em Goncalo
LilyoftheValley: Fox is one of the T7 (where’d the other two go? Woof)
Joline: Fox is Rosie
Oldcrone: Truth M’Lud is NurseProstlink
LaffinAssassin: Splodgeboy is Truth M’Lud
Blacksmith: Logicman is Coldwater
Blondie2: Sentinel says Coldwater is PsychicSarah
Rammy: Sentinel is Retribution
Chrissie: Sentinel is Gerry
Sentinel: "they are delusional fools, some of whom believe that i am gerry mccann or Clarence"

Shove a cheek, Tony-Q... and don't mind she holds her nose...

Hi Dorothy

BNP is the British National Party, and yes it was on a thread but the thread go removed, once we checked the link.

If you speak to her again, I have had a look at Pat and Susans blog and I see Ismellarat is spreading rumours about me being part of BNP. That is totally false, I have nothing to do with the BNP, never have and never will.

Anyway thanks for letting me know.


Dear Bren,

Thanks for letting me know...I thought BNP...was British National Petroleum!

(redacted, it gets even thicker.)

xxxooo D

"I guess this site is about trust no one."

Arguida to Blondie2

Thank you for replying. I think I am out of my league. I knew N***** must have been someone else because Senti said something about outing her. Never thought it was all the others. I don't know how people know these things.

I did think Nbrado was a bunch of other people. I thought he was also Dixon Cox because of the type of pictures he drew. Figured I was right when Dixon Cox disappeared same time he did. Several others too. But today they are all back. It is almost as if they played a backup tape. Whatever yesterday's fight was about seems reversed today and I am not sure that is a good thing. I was glad to see Nbrado go. Figured maybe I would stop getting trojans on my computer after visiting this site.

I guess this site is about trust no one.

Surely the lovebirds didn't deceive Bren?!?!

Hi Laffin

Thanks for that - it was the humane thing to do (even though not very exciting! She may well have on other forums. Wouldn't have said so on here - although her ISP is as good as a proxy - Bren is quite strict in not allowing mods to have 2nd accounts if they ask, admittedly(although, obviously, anything is possible .... ).

It's not a bad idea to use a proxy when you register with an "unknown site" - it will disguise you IP (you obviously didn't do this with findingthe truth?). Alternatively, use a gmail account - they anonymise your IP for you as part of their privacy policy.....

I know a few good proxies/anonymisers.....

Best wishes

Val xx

Si, si, Senora, but does the quick pulse of love beat when you see my shiny blue roller disco jacket?

Justamumof3 writes, Chiquitita apparently ignores

Hi Beowolf,

You don't know me, so let me introduce myself. G******** ****, age 45, computer programmer by profession since the days of punched cards, now retired on ill health, too much time on my hands!

(redacted walk through the resume) ....and I am concerned about the backup information that has been stolen. There are only a limited number of ways that a password can be encrypted (there are a few industry standard ways of doing i!), and it is possible to unencrypt it. (redacted ancient history regarding computers in the olden days, opposable thumbs, Gutenberg, writing with feathers, hoopskirts... this one's the Beachy of technology) ...but I could write a program to do it in a couple of days, and that program may then need to run for a week, or three weeks, to try every encryption key possible, but it would get there. (In my day it would have needed a Kray supercomputer, now a pc will do it). I don't know how the password was compromised, and I don't know how good a programmer nbrado is, how much of the history of IT he knows, and whether he would know encryption techniques and realise he could easily unencrypt - I know, because I am old, and started in the days when we still encrypted our own passwords on the systems we wrote!

I therefore don't know whether it is worth telling everyone to change their password, or could you force it with some setting on the forum? Is there a "change password every week" setting you could invoke as a temporary measure? (Even by accident, when trying to improve security, no need to panic obviously, not done deliberately?)
I am afraid that a few more "impersonations" could ruin a forum I enjoy posting in, but I am also aware that telling people that their security has been compromised is also not good for the forum.

Anyway, over to you, I would not post this in the forum as I don't feel spreading panic is the way to go, your life is hard enough as it is - and you know nbrado and know whether he has the ability to unencrypt.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

'investigations' can turn up 'stuff'


Hi Bren

OK..Will do that but remember, if noone else around..buzz me...I may be available.

(redacted blather about having to do two jobs, ride public transit, hours of work, sleep habits, time zones... gee, nobody to talk to much?)

I've told you all this not so you know my life story ..lol..but so you understand when I can be available and when I'm 'around' but not able to commit to lengthy modding but can be there if needed.

You do such a great job...I am still in awe of your commitment...Thanks!

Re: IP's...

Much more than ISP addys can be gained from IP addresses...I just feel it could be of importance to 'know' if someone is 'infiltrating' 3A therefore I have been doing a little checking.

Unfortunately IP's are not as helpful as email addys but they can give info..

eg..honestbroker uses AOL..but posted once under another IP from (maybe)*******..'He' uses **********...When I saw the Nigel Nessling using ******** I checked...Dont think its anything but if it was...you dont need the likes of him in 3A PMing other members etc. (Just an example)

Tell me if you don't feel that stuff is important...Its one of those things that you don't really know what you will find till you find it..People have left traces of themselves on the net for years and those kind of 'investigations' can turn up 'stuff'

I'm working on the list in the Mods forum but if there are any others you would like me to pursue, let me know.

As I said...I'm out of the loop in who is who, not being in the same timezone for Mod msn..which is a major stumbling block for me...

Let me know Bren...I want to help as much as I can..

Thanks again for hanging in...Oh..and I should be able to meet up with (redacted)

Liz xx

Is collusion some kind of foreplay?

Laffin and Photon:

could have a chat with Bren and do a bit of editing myself in Mods and then move back to Lounge?

Yes please.

Hare was onto the Group 13 hint pretty quickly.

He really will do anybody

Laffin & viv

quote=viv OH PS Assasin

If you are looking for some 24 Horas articles you will find some really good examples of Clarence Mitchell spinning his hat off!"

Bye the way, I'M not liking the attacks on Tony, but if you've got something on him, i'd like to know .

Stevo told me...

Humanist writes:

Thanks for the response.
I am totally naive and just tend to absorb what is in front of me.
I will look back on the entire thread and see what I can deduce.

Apart from Caralina and Weisnicht who do I need to watch out for in my naivity.

I wondered if this entire forum was not set up by the Mccanns legal team.
The articulate and astute posters, are pretty well doing every thing they can
to give the defense a solid footing.

I also notice that this forum has only accrued 1460.00 in funding since its inception.
That is not a great amount.
Stevo (whom I do admire and respect who dropped out after the Tony Bennett attack, told me that bjr owns several porn sites.
Not that that necessarily means anything but it does put the dot even if not the question mark.

The Tortured Presence of Cushty

Cushty to nicked

Bren is trying to mend fences

so I have told her a few home truths about the mods actions

she tells me someone is trying to destroy the 3As, and I think the culprits may be nearer home than she thinks

Cushty to Miffed

I wonder if it's true that Laffin has been made a mod

I'm afraid it might be

I had a pm from Bonny as did a fair number of other posters, I think - I don't think it can be a hoax, as it had an apology attached which could only have come from Bren or Bonny (or anyone else who had read pms I suppose - yips!!)

I suppose the 3As has to end one day - perhaps better with a massive explosion


Cushty writes:

I don't intend to be anonymous - I shall announce myself on arrival (still waiting to be authorized) but cushty won't be on the member list

re Bren, I think personally she is paranoid, convinced there are fifth columnists everywhere, and if she decides it might be you, it's the cold shoulder and the watchful eye

Custy to SorleyMcLean

I seem to remember that arch fantasist thentherewere4 had theories centred on ******, among many others - quite enough to make me rush to defend him

actually I have no idea if Stevo is on to something, though I very much doubt it - but I will not be hectored by someone in that arrogant way - he has a blog to act the master mind on, but on this forum we are all equal

I'm counting on getting banned

not much sign of Bren or the mods though, is there?

are they all off composing a new 'goodbye cruel posters' speech? there's loads around to camp from!

WORSE than the WUMs and pros we all denounce!

ShuBob writes:

Primavera, please help if you can! I have pleaded with the mods to stop this nonsense but still they persist! They are stiffling debate and are currently WORSE than the WUMs and pros we all denounce! Please, I beg of you, pm some of them and tell them to stop! I'm starting to think that some of them have been tickled pink!

Competition TIme!

A prize of half a tin of Pedigree Chum to anyone who can figure what the foxtrot is going on here.

Dear bjr,
I have just read your thread. I want to say so much but am unable.
I come from Leicester. I know Grevill Ganner, I knew his father Barnet. My father knew him well.
I trained in Leicester.
In Psychiatry you meet a lot abused youngsters.
Ex MPs now Lords sit on HAs.

I know Michael Stone, Chillenden Murders? another??

My Hubby grew up on the Sandringham Estate. 2 times 2 = 4

Bertie and David were sterile, the royal surgeon said " let us just say that artificial means were used" Princess was never going to be Queen.

The other name you mentioned. The next of kin, as it were.

Sorry this is a conundrum.

I want to say BE VERY CAREFUL. Please.

I am not mad, but everyone is expendable. I just saw a light become even more bright than usual. Although it was quite bright on the 4th May 07, but one tends to get lost in the
quagmire that is any country's judicial system.

Leicester had a special unit for sex offenders and has max security prison. I have spent most of my working life in and out of our prison system, you learn a lot.

Just be careful. Things happen. Docbell

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Antisemitism from Herr Q.

TonyQ to Tripz:

Subject: Palestine Unarmed Girl Stands Up Against israeli Army

You are totally wasting your time posting anything that is NOT pro-Israeli on the forum. That cun.t Marky1 is a fine example of what reading the jew owned press can do to your head. There are thousands more like that piece of shit too sadly.

Girl fight! Laffin & The Academic... the PJ of stitch ups...

Subject: The fridge. No not that one, another one

(redacted ramblings about a fridge in Portugal) (Does that backwater even have electricity? Woof)

Have you been in touch with Elliot Morley yet ?

No I haven't

Did you not receive my lovingly penned PM over at the MF which detailed my reasons? Namely that you blew my cover by letting on that I was an "online contact" of yours and that whereas I could have given the impression that I am a regular member of the geeky public that occasionally reads hansard and wanted to applaud his question. I no longer in the circumstances felt I could.

I went on to suggest that as an unconnected member of the public I could have added weight to your persistent pestering by saying "yes, yes that strikes a chord with me too" However now he knows that we are connected, he will no doubt tar the both of us with the same loony brush.

Please check your PM's over in the other place, I am sure I said it far more eloquently when I wrote it originally.

Time has moved on, with Clarry back in the news now would be a perfect time for you to strike at Mr Morley

Worth their weight in BabelFish

Hi, Jilly,
well... I only suspect her/him (but I think she is female) because of her not accurate translations. And because of how she reacts to a friendly help. This beeing not typical for us Portuguese.
And I have corrected her in the first place because I don't like that she posts something that causes even more confusion than we already have in this sad case...
You are right, Jilly, you can trust 100% all the other PT translators! And even all the other PT posters, because we are honest people

and later...

I don't know if carilina has a secret agenda, maybe she is "only" seeking for fame?!
Anyway: it would be nice if more posters could be informed that we can not trust her translations... and maybe even her postings in general... (consider it done! Woof!)
BTW: I have made a correction of her translation in the thread where you asked her if she does the translations herself. This time it is not something really relevant, but by doing it I could show to the readers on said thread that we better not trust her (translations).

Stella by Stupidlight

Newperson to Tripz

stella is a pain in the arse - accusing me and now you of showing true colours or whatever

some of her posts are good but she doesnt do her homework properly and has a vivid imagination

and the fkn nerve to call me a paid chimp stupid fkn biatch
rant over

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line.....

AB=Tony Bennett

I***, many people have e-mailed, written letters, phoned and god knows whatelse to PCC, Ofcom, MP's, MEP's and anybody else they could think of. Many have written to papers and the British media companies, infact I can remember on the DM when members were e-mailing support to the PJ via the Portuguese Embassy in London and they have sent support and information to the PJ the Brit Police. You name it members have done it.

Now as it has been stated before we are not a political platform for any campaign, we are a platforum for members to discuss the case and then if they wish to follow what others do they do so, on their own free accord. Nobody can have done as much as many of the members of this forum in their fight for justice for Madeleine.

But what does amaze me is your persistence in trying to get everyone on AB's side, you see from the e-mail correspondence he has had with myself and other admin, my opinion of him is not very high and I for one as a member do not support his campaign. You see this is a person that decides what can be discussed about him and when someone speaks negatively about him he posts up on the forum he mods saying how glad he is not a member here and criticising the mods and admin of this forum and how well administered the other forum is and then send e-mails to admin here shouting libel etc. Well I am sorry I don't play AB's games, and my advice is if you are being sent over to drum up support for his campaign you can forget that right here and right now because we are not going to be used as a platform for his campaign. Members know where they can sign the petition and they don't need you forcing their hand and telling them that is could be their fault the McCanns get off.

So this is how it is going to be played, you are a member here and if you wish to remain a member here you will abide by our house rules and not AB's.


Monday, June 15, 2009

This one was a real tailwagger... less goer again!

A cry for help!

Dear ***,

I am the only one here now. I want to go to bed. I don't know what to do with all the wierdos by myself. I love all of ya'll. Goodnight.



I don't trust this one or this one or this one or this one... and that's just respected members

RRR To Pogasca

That was a great post - the most interesting I've read on here in ages. Thanks for revealing the extent of CW's fraudulence - though many of use had known it for a long time, it was good to be told directly the extent of his idiocy.

And it's certainly opened up a can of worms about Beachy, whom many have suspected for a long time too. I too am surprised it was all allowed to stay and be seen!

I honestly don't know about Amaral. In some ways I hope it isn't him, as it would seem to diminish him by association with some truly stupid loonies. But on the other hand I'd really like this whole thing to progress, by whatever means; and if it involved him being sued, then so be it. I can't see anything else moving this on, though frankly them sueing anybody also seems a forlorn hope. In the meantime all we can do is have some fun at others' expense, after they've had fun at all of ours.

Yeah well I don't like you either and I've found a better club and it's way nicer but I am still going to bloviate you til the end of time

Subject: All The Recent Events Have Saddened Me

quote=beachy "I was unfairly attacked in the Lounge on Friday night (had very little to do with the major issues facing the forum at the time). I created my own thread and said my piece, when I PMed a mod the offensive threads were removed, and after I sent out some PMs, most of the people involved in slagging me off got in touch and graciously apologised, which I thought showed considerable class, and which I gratefully accepted.

Nevertheless, I find that I no longer feel the same way I used to feel about 3A. This has happened to me before, and I brushed it off, but life is too short to keep dealing with cr*p if one does not have to do it.

I may go ballistic and get myself banned some day, but I want to be clear: No one will ever run me off 3A. So long as I am still a member in good standing, I will come here and post whenever I feel like it. I am still all about justice for Madeleine McCann; however, this is not the only place where one can work towards that end. Whilst 3A was down I revisited another forum where I had previously registered but not posted and found that I really enjoyed it there, so that is where I will be spending most of my time from now on."

Hi Beachy,

What was all that about? With there being less news around these days, many tempers seem to be running high with the ensuing frustration. But I believe the calm is normal, I'm sure the PJ are still working hard on the case and getting ends tied up. Do you think it will go to court this year, even without a body?



(Scarf, in case she was too busy performing her traditional Welsh casket dance and one woman show, no, it won't be going to court this year. Or any year. Ever. Move along, people, there's really nothing to see there. Woof.)

Gee, lets guess what her answer was...

AlmostGothic to Bren

I am utterly flabbergasted.
Speechless almost.

PFA are just loving this.
Raptors also.
And, no doubt, Janz's forum.

3As members have been loyal through many bad times - trolls, threats, ex-mods, Nbrado, Nbrado revisited.
But for how much longer?

How on earth is all this furthering the cause of Madeleine McCann?

(there's a bone in it for the first respected member who can identify which particular f**k up is being referenced here. Owing to the significant number of choices, contest closes 18:00, 31st December, 2034. Woof!)

Stalker in Aisle 2!

R Murat’s Glasses to Achtung Baby:


Actually her info comes from Blamhappy, who gets it from BaileyBoy.

Just between you and me...

Sally66 writes:

Hi Senti

Somethings being bugging me for a while but didn't really want to voice it, but I've decided to bounce it off you as you're very grounded and will tell me straight if you think I've lost the plot, so here goes

I don't 100% trust Beachy- (Some Respected Members: No! No!)Very knowledgable about forensics and procedure etc and will willingly share this knowledge. Anti McCann but any mention of Government involvement, press gagging etc she is straight on the case arguing against. I find this adamant position a little bit disconcerting

Maybe I'm just questioning peoples motives more as I was very naive about forum life originally as first time I've been involved in a forum with this case and I took people at face value originally.

Btw it finally dawned on me quite a while ago the CW is probably a WUM after I spent months defending him!

Hope all is well with you


(Hint: if it had to dawn on you CW is probably a WUM you should probably not contribute too heavily to this search for justice. Or maybe the PJ is hiring. Woof.)

No Candle in the Wind rewrite for BaronStu

Wanner to pinkpixiexx

Sorry so late in replying, not been on today, i see he got a life ban, just hope he doesn't come back under a different name, but like you say we all have to stick together against these bullies.

Take care,
wanner xx

Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but he is back, he's just posted i don't think his name is at the bottom though, just thought i'd warn you.

Stay safe,
wanner x

Great forum... if you don't mind insanity

Thanks for the PM anti-PhiloPastry,

I honestly can't make up my mind whether there are slightly insane people who want to believe in a grand conspiracy theory, or whether it's a deliberate ploy to distract.

I do think some of the posters on the thread are playing games just for the sport of it, and I'm going to drop off it soon as IMHO it's a waste of time / effort.


Great forum... if you haven't got anything better

Sally66 to Buildafiredontgetcooked

tbh I haven't been certain about this place since the Blackwatch debacle but sadly it's the best option we've got.

Just some confirmation

The messages you see here are authentic.
It seems that certain parties want you to believe otherwise.
We won't comment on other blog's veracity but what you see here is the real deal.
Also, the official reason that was given about the server being compromised by an update is nonsense.
The server was left open for weeks.
We can see no way that this was an accidental occurrence.


Is being female a handicap in Mod Mansion?

HawkEyes1 wrote:
This is one of the best kept secrets on the forum that I am female. People have assumed that I am male, and I have not corrected it, deliberately keeping my postings gender neutral. It is only more recently that to certain colleagues in messaging have I revealed my gender.

I am British and still have family in England, but I have been living in the US for many years. I am located in ******* (on the *** ********* borders) in the ***** River Valley.

You now have my dark secret!

By the way, did you grow up in the north of England? I must admit I have never been to Blackpool, but in more recent years I have enjoyed the north of England more than I have the south. I still visit friends in Suffolk, however, and that has grown on me over the years. I was born in London but raised partially there and in a small village in Berkshire.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

A cry for help!

Dear ***,

I am the only one here now. I want to go to bed. I don't know what to do with all the wierdos by myself. I love all of ya'll. Goodnight.



"the thread grew and grew and the pleas were ignored"

Hi A*****

Thanks for your message and especially for taking the time to write it all down. Sounds like a big can of worms to me, and good that the rotten apple has gone.

I know it's easy for me to say try and say positive, but please try and think that you've had a lucky escape. I'm sorry that your personal info was revealed.

What made me so angry today was the fact that Beowolf opened the thread which would obviously instill panic and questions then just departed and left us all to it. If he had something cryptic to say, he should have made his post and locked the thread.

As it was, the thread descended into panic, nobody knew what was going on - it's really difficult when you're on the outside trying to make sense of things.

Despite repeated pleas that the thread be locked as it was going nowhere, the thread grew and grew and the pleas were ignored.

That's what made me angry and the fact that Beowolf basically dropped the lot of us in it.

Anyway, I think I need some time away. I know that people are paranoid, everybody's anonymous on the internet but I'd just like to reiterate that I don't know Janz and have never heard from her, her cronies or her forum. This is my decision - me, I'm just a Mum who has loved it on the 3As and today is a really sad day for me.

I hope you understand.

Sorry to add to your troubles.

Take care, A**** xx